Turtles mainly stay in temperate and warm waters, and they’re known to migrate hundreds or thousands of miles to nest. They also return to the nesting grounds in which they were born to continue the life cycle.  So, when we come upon a Sea Turtle, a nest or the hatchlings it’s important to respect their time here on the beaches of Alabama.

If you encounter a Sea Turtle here a few things you can do to protect these majestic creatures.

  • Keep your distance, a minimum of 30 feet away.  It’s Sea Turtle Social Distancing!
  • Turn your lights off.  Flashlights, cell phone lights and even flash photography can disturb the Sea Turtle.
  • Stay low to the ground.  Large silhouettes can be frightening to a nesting Sea Turtle, stay out of their line of sight as much as possible.
  • Stay quiet.
  • Call 866. SEA-TURTLE is you encounter a turtle attempting to nest or a turtle in distress.

Share the beach with the Turtles and Leave Only Footprints!

What to do if you SEE a Sea Turtle