Along the Alabama Gulf Coast, you will experience the beauty of the Brown Pelican.  The Brown Pelican is native to our coastline and is strictly a marine species.  You will experience their grace soaring high above in a V Formations.  These squadrons move effortlessly across the beaches, catching the winds from the ocean.  Brown Pelicans can soar to more than 10,000 feet and can commute distances of up to 95 miles.

Do Brown Pelicans dive for their food?  The brown pelican is the only pelican that is a plunge diver. The brown pelican is a unique feeder making impressive dives from ten to thirty feet above the water. They are, however, able to dive from as high as one hundred feet. The deeper the meal the higher the dive.

What do Brown Pelicans eat?  When Brown Pelicans dive for their food they are aiming for fish!  They eat mainly sheepshead, pigfish, mullet, grass minnows, topminnows, and silversides. The Brown Pelican will also eat shrimp and crab.

Goodnight Pelican.  When the day is done with a full belly the Brown Pelican will find the perfect roost to balance.  Resting his enormous head and beak against his belly, they sleep peacefully dreaming of another day of fishing.

Brown Pelican are spectacular to watch, soaring and diving along the Gulf Coast.  Join Back Bay Charters on a VIP cruise across the Gulf Coast to see the wonders of the Brown Pelican and all our beautiful wildlife!

Soaring Brown Pelicans
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